Friday, September 20, 2013

Why You Can't Get a Raise at Work!

  What we're taught in public school and what is taught in business school are total opposite!  In public school we are being prepared for how to be a good employee.  We're taught as long as we work hard, follow all the rules, go the extra mile, start at the bottom, work your way up, and do for your employer.  They will do for you!  Nothing farther from the truth!  Its a one-way system where the employer always has the upper hand.  Your employer expects you to dedicate your life to the company.  The employer expects you to stop anything you're doing at a moments notice and take care of work.  The employer wants you to put your job 1st in your life or they'll find the person who will!  So you dedicate your life to your employer but all they owe you is that days pay, that's it!  People who have invested 5, 10, 20, 30 years of their life at a job are not thought twice when its time to have a lay-off!  Your employer owes you nothing and you owe them everything!  But that's not what we're taught in our youth!  You can start at the bottom to work your way up, and you'll see person after person who has no experience starting in jobs above yours.  You don't have to start at the bottom, its a lie!

In business school, future managers are taught to only pay people what they're willing to work for.  Even though your employer has millions of dollars in the bank, he will pay you $1/hr if you're willing to accept it!  That's how business justifies paying people low wages when they could pay more.  To them if you don't like minimum wage, then go home!  That's what they think in they're head but they tell you, "Work harder and you'll eventually get a raise!"  Employers only give you a raise when they have to, when they know you can go somewhere else for more money.  If your employer knows you can't get another job, good luck trying to get a raise!  Don't assume that just because your employer makes a lot of money that it will trickle down to you!  Because it won't!  The employer will only pay you what he has to and takes the extra profits to grow the business.  The law of compensation states:
The amount of money you earn will always be an exact ratio to the need for what you do,
your ability to do it, and the difficulty it is to replace you.  The only way to get raises are if you demand it!  People generally believe to get paid more, they must work more.  Not true.  The way to raise wages is if enough people decide they're not going to work for the given wage.  Its willingness not to work, not willingness to work, that raises wages.  This happened in the 1990's because employers had a hard time getting jobs filled, so they had to raise wages.  But then cheap labor from Mexico has brought wages down.  Employers will promise you anything to get you to start a job!  "You're not gonna make a lot money now, but in 2 years you'll be makings tons of money!"  Statements like this are just empty promises that will probably never happen!  You must take what you want in life, its not going to be given to you out of kindness!

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- Juggs Ó 2013

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