Saturday, September 29, 2012

Amphora (Band)

Left to Right: Jason Judkins, Hunter Hamilton, Nathaniel Walker
'''Amphora''' is a band from Nashville, Tennessee (not to be confused with the Sacramento, California based band “Amphora”) and was formed in 1998 by Nathaniel Walker (Vocals, Guitar, Bass), Hunter Hamilton (Guitar), and Jason Judkins (Drums).  Nathan and Hunter met while attending middle school in Arkansas and both attended college together in Nashville, TN.  Nathan and Hunter had previously played in a band called, “Together We’re Tugboat.”  Which was a popular band on the local scene of Little Rock. 

Nathan met Jason though a guitar teacher named Jackie S. in Nashville, who was also a mutual friend of Nathan’s.  Jason began playing drums at around age 10.  Whose father, [Rick Judkins], also played drums professionally.  Although his dad played drums, Jason learned how to play drums by watching his older brother.  Jason played drums in various bands in high school and also recorded 1 and 2 song demos with various bands.  Jason was taking guitar lessons at the time but played drums for his guitar teacher’s recital.  The guitar teacher was impressed by Jason’s drumming skills from this performance.  Nathan had given Jackie a two-song demo tape of himself and told Jackie he was looking for a drummer.  After the recital performance, Jackie referred Jason to Nathan and gave him the demo tape.  Jason was impressed by Nathan’s writing and singing ability’s.  Soon after, Jason called Nathan to set up an audition time. 

The first time Nathan and Jason met was at Nathan’s apartment on college campus.  Jason played the audition on Nathan’s own drumset.  One of the first songs that came out of the audition was, “Answers.”  Which Nathan called, “The Funky Tom Thing,” before it had a song title.  After that, the three practiced together.  Forming what would be, “Amphora.”  They practice repeatedly, at different locations, and adding songs to the catalog.  Amphora's sound was unique.  It was a mixture of Nathan and Hunter’s influences of U2, Jeff Buckley, P.M. Dawn, and Radiohead combined with Jason’s influences of Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Buddy Rich.  The band recorded some demo’s with a couple of different engineers but couldn’t capture what they had in mind.  That change in the spring of 1999. 

The band recorded its first album “Sometimes Stillborn Breathing” at a college studio in Nashville, TN on spring break of 1999.  All the drum tracks where recorded the first day.  The remaining tracks were recorded over the following 1–2 weeks.  Nathan also recorded the Bass tracks since Amphora didn’t have a bass player at the time.  Amphora later had various Bass players when playing live.  The album was then mixed in a mobile studio.  CD’s were printed up and the band played clubs around Nashville.  Soon after, the first song on the album, “Last Train to Kolyma” was played on Nashville’s rock station 102.9.  The group then went and did an interview for the radio station promoting the album.  The song, “Simple Six” reached number one on’s recording contest but placed 3rd when the contest ended.  The number one spot winning a $250,000 recording contract.  Amphora being a Rock group and Nashville being a Country town, the two didn’t seem to mix.  Amphora’s music would of probably been more supported on the West Coast. 
Inside CD Booklet w/ Lyrics

CD Booklet (Back w/ Credits)
   Having to start a career and a family, Jason regretfully felt like it was time to leave the band.  The band changed its name to “The Ups and Downs of Industry,” and used various drummers until landing a permanent one for their 2nd album.  Jason did come back temporarily during this time and record the drums on a 3-song demo for the new group and filled-in on a live show.  “The Ups and Downs,” put out their 2nd album in 2004, but shortly after went there separate ways and moved on to different towns to start careers of their own. 
Came the spring of 2000 and Jason was graduating from college.

For better or worse, it’s hard to find the creative music style that Amphora embraced.  Sometimes life happens during Art but maybe Amphora's greatest days are still ahead! 

The Track Listing to Amphora's "Sometimes Stillborn Breathing," Last Train To Kolyma, Pilot, Simple Six, Little Postcards, Quiero, Painkiller, Flirting with Solar, Answers, Embryo, Safe, For the Rats, and Triangle.  The album was released on July 1st, 1999.  Check out a sample of the album at and on Spotify!!  Also help us out by sharing the Amazon and Spotify links on your Facebook and Twitter!


Amphora changed its name to The Ups and Downs of Industry in 2001.  The track listing to their first self titled album; Better Luck, Gemini, MPD, Hannover, Flightness, Hide-Out, $5.15, The Bees, Workers of the World' Unite!, Book of Saints and Martyrs, and Perfect.

The track listing to their second album "Transit;" Auto Auto, Your Big Idea, Failsafe, Canada, Neustadt, You Don't Know What You're Asking For, Humdrum Town, Tribute, Kinetic, I Have to Go, Dresscode, and Utopia Crush.   The cd was released of July 25th 2003. 

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Amphora Ó 1999-2015

Friday, September 28, 2012

You Lose Having A Political Opinion!!

You Lose Having A Political Opinion!!

The saying is that the two things you can’t voice your opinions on are Politics and Religion!!  Even though it’s a noble cause to try and persuade people to join your cause, I find in most cases it’s pointless. 

Look how business takes this approach.  Many big businesses’s, regardless of their political opinion, donate just as much money to the Democrat party as they do the Republican party.  That way they give support to whom ever assumes office.  So these businesses are putting aside their beliefs for the good of business.  Well, why should you do any different?  Since, no matter if you’re an employee or a business owner, you are your own business!!  Instead of having a political opinion you should do what’s best for yourself and your business, just like the big boys!  Which leaves a whole country without opinion!  Which isn’t healthy but the flipside is that you piss off half your customers/co-workers by having an opinion.  Just imagine a country if we all put our opinions aside and cater to the whim of business and government!  That would eventually make us all servants! 

There is no advantage by saying you’re a Republican or Democrat!  Nobody’s gonna give you a job based on that!  Even if a business owner/boss is a Republican, he/she’s not gonna give you a job just because you say you are.  All they care about is finding the person who will do the best job for them!      

 Why are taught ideas that we all have freedom of speech and that debate is good.  Well that’s not really the case in the real world!  You only have freedom of speech outside of work.  When you are at work, you are the property of who is paying you!  You should be selfish like most others and put yourself before your country because people ultimately can’t handle a difference of opinion!  So voice your opinion when you vote or privately to your congressman.  But doing so in public, you’re just hurting yourself!  What do you think?? -Juggs Ó 2012

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is Church/Religion Good or Bad for Society?

Is Church/Religion Good or Bad for Society?


  Not a favorite subject of mine because most Religions’ intent is a positive one.  Cause evidently mankind cannot achieve this on our own.  We must have someone else tell us what is right and wrong.  Religion almost seems to give guidance to people who don’t have role model figures in their lives.  Churches help the needy, people with drug problems, financial problems, etc..   Services a society needs, and I think that is why they are tax-exempt!  Also being tax-exempt they can be told what, or what not, to say.  Churches pretty much try to avoid politics being tax-exempt.  Before they were tax-exempt, churches were very political!! 

  If you go to church, you have to do it for your own reasons!  Don’t go to church expecting everyone else to, “follow the rules!”  Nobody is perfect!  We all sin!  A lot of people don’t let church stop them from having a good time!  They follow church on a “best effort,” basis.  Basically if a Christian wants to go out, have some fun, and drink some beer.  Chances are they will, and then just ask for forgiveness the next day.  So don’t let the idea of Hell stop you from enjoying yourself!  I’m not saying to go out and overdose on drugs!  Just don’t let church stop you from enjoying your life!  Some people get so wrapped up n church that they question every move they make.  Guess there are extremes to everything!  I mostly find church to be rules for everybody else.  Rules people tell you to follow but don’t follow themselves.  Just the way life is!

  Does prayer work?  I don’t know?  Seems like prayer is a form of self-healing.  That if you address a problem long enough, you’ll fix it yourself!  I’m sure anybody in a life or death situation is going to pray to a higher power.  You’d have to if something were out of your control.  But what about people who want you to pray that they’ll have a good day, get over their cold, or pass a test?  Really?  People want other people wasting their time on petty things?  And why would God answer your prayer about getting a good job but let people starve to death in Africa?  Doesn’t make sense!  I’m sure the people in Africa were praying too! 

  This is the fault I find with Church/Religion; is that they sell you the idea that God is going to do something for you, if you pray enough or believe enough.  That’s just not true.  The reason you get anything in life is because you’re the one who makes it happen!  For the most part, people do not practice their Religion at work!  I’ve never worked a job where the employer got his Bible out to guild him/her in any disciplinary action.  When people are at work they do the demands of the person paying them, not Gods’.  Church people are no different than any other group of people!  Some in the church are good, some bad.  Some follow the message more, some follow it less.  I’d say Religion is ultimately good for society but not perfect!  What do you think?? -Juggs  Ó 2012

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Friday, September 21, 2012

The Rich DO NOT Pay A Majority Of The Income Taxes!!!!!

The Rich complain all the time that their taxes are too high.  A figure came out earlier this week that 47% of Americans do not pay income taxes.  Which, on paper, is probably true.  Anybody who has a job, has income tax taken out of their paycheck.  But when you file your taxes, if you get back more than you paid in.  You technically didn’t pay any income taxes because you got all the money back in your income tax refund.  This gives the rich the argument that they pay a majority of the taxes.  Let me explain how they DO NOT!! 

If a person makes 100k and has to pay 30k of that in taxes, that is the cost of doing business!  The 100k (Gross Earnings) is not your money.  It’s the money before you pay your tax bill.  The 70k (Net Earnings) is your earned money.  No different than if I make $15/hr (Gross) and my (Net) pay comes out to $11.50/hr.  The $15/hr (Gross) money was never mine; I never had control over that money.  The $11.50/hr (Net) money is mine, it’s what I have control over! 

Your taxes are factored into your cost of doing business.  If they weren’t, nobody would be in business.  No matter what job you do, employee or self-employed, everybody has a cost to doing business.  If I’m a business owner I have many cost to pay; electric, salaries, health insurance, rent, etc..  I have to factor these cost into what I charge for my product or service.  If I’m an employee, I also have cost to get to work.  The price of gas, have a car, meals, etc..  I have to recoup this money from my salary.  If not, I can’t afford to work.  And what determines a persons pay?  The collective market.  Take a plumber for example.  The world of plumbers collectively and subconsciously determine what it will take for them to go to work.  If the going rate for a plumber is $20/hr, then you’re not going to be able to hire one for $5/hr.  And the collective group of plumbers factor in all cost to determine $20/hr, including their income taxes.  The figure the collective group of plumbers determine they’ll go to work for, is their (Net) pay.  And in order to get a (Net) pay of “X” the (Gross) pay must be “Y.” 

In this theory, the customer is the one paying the income taxes.  The customer is the one who pays all the expenses of the company, and we are all consumers!!  When you buy a can of soda, you are paying for all the salaries of the company, all the taxes of the company, and all the bills of the company.  If a company can’t stay competitive, they go out of business.  If an employee can’t stay competitive they lose their job, unless they're the boss's family or friend. 

Another example; Say I put a $1,000 tax on all plumbers.  The plumber will say, “I can’t pay that, that cost will have to be passed on to the customer.”  So all plumbers raise their rates to cover this new $1,000 tax.  So the customer now pays the new tax!  Business will say that they can’t always pass the new cost to the customer.  That they’ll have to “eat it.”  This is probably true at times.  Just like if I work for $15/hr and the price of gas is $2 a gallon.  And then the price of gas goes to $4 a gallon, even though I still make $15/hr.  It now cost more for me to get to work!  I can’t immediately pass that new cost onto my boss!  I have to wait for the collective market to do it! 

Even though the tax here was on the plumber, the customer is the one who paid it!  And this is how the Rich say they pay all of the taxes but they DO NOT!!  The consumer does!  Which is all of us! – Juggs Ó 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welfare/Bailout People

  I'm gettin tired of people bashing on others who are on welfare!!  Sure, there's a lot of people out there who suck off of somebody else's hard work, but what about the rich companies on Wall Street that got bailed out?  What about people who get loans for a business and then defaults on the debt?  How is that not also welfare?  Well, when poor people get money from the government it's called welfare and when rich people get money from the government it's called a bailout..  So if somebody gets $200 a month in food stamps, that's wrong but a corporation gets billions and that's ok??  Sounds like free market capitalism to me!  Basically if you lose your job, that's life.  But if their job gets threaten, we can't have that!

Here's one huge problems with the "Bailouts."  When business owners are making tons of money, they say they deserve it because they're the ones who took the risk!  But when business started to fold in 2008, the risk, they yelled to be bailed out.  You can't have it both ways!!
- Juggs Ó 2012

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