Friday, September 28, 2012

You Lose Having A Political Opinion!!

You Lose Having A Political Opinion!!

The saying is that the two things you can’t voice your opinions on are Politics and Religion!!  Even though it’s a noble cause to try and persuade people to join your cause, I find in most cases it’s pointless. 

Look how business takes this approach.  Many big businesses’s, regardless of their political opinion, donate just as much money to the Democrat party as they do the Republican party.  That way they give support to whom ever assumes office.  So these businesses are putting aside their beliefs for the good of business.  Well, why should you do any different?  Since, no matter if you’re an employee or a business owner, you are your own business!!  Instead of having a political opinion you should do what’s best for yourself and your business, just like the big boys!  Which leaves a whole country without opinion!  Which isn’t healthy but the flipside is that you piss off half your customers/co-workers by having an opinion.  Just imagine a country if we all put our opinions aside and cater to the whim of business and government!  That would eventually make us all servants! 

There is no advantage by saying you’re a Republican or Democrat!  Nobody’s gonna give you a job based on that!  Even if a business owner/boss is a Republican, he/she’s not gonna give you a job just because you say you are.  All they care about is finding the person who will do the best job for them!      

 Why are taught ideas that we all have freedom of speech and that debate is good.  Well that’s not really the case in the real world!  You only have freedom of speech outside of work.  When you are at work, you are the property of who is paying you!  You should be selfish like most others and put yourself before your country because people ultimately can’t handle a difference of opinion!  So voice your opinion when you vote or privately to your congressman.  But doing so in public, you’re just hurting yourself!  What do you think?? -Juggs Ó 2012

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