Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Car AC Lines Don't Come Apart 2008 Ford Mustang

 I've got a couple of scenarios I've run into when AC Quick disconnect lines not coming apart:

1. 2008 V6 Mustang:

I put a new accumulator on the AC system.  The new aftermarket part I put on was faulty and would not come back off with anything I tried.  I think the part was made just a little different than the OEM and would not allow to tool to expand the lock spring to release the pipe.  I wrestled with this thing for hours!  I ended up using a small sharp hook tool (and pair of scissors) to cut the inner spring. I had extras and they are cheap to place.  These pipes should be able to move and twist and turn.  These pipes did move so I knew they didn't have sealant on them.

2.  2007 Ford Focus:
 The accumulator on this car had be glued together with sealant.  These pipes would not move independent from one another. I ended up cutting the pipe in half on the accumulator that I wasn't going to use again.  If you do this, be careful not to cut into the ac line you are using again!  Then I soaked the end, I couldn't get off, in rubbing alcohol overnight. The next morning, the ac line was movable again. The rubbing alcohol had disintegrated the sealant use inside when the last person put it on.

I posted these here to help others having the same issues!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

2017 Kia Sorento Oil Light On When At Idle But Goes Off When Driving 3.3L V6

2017 Kia Sorento Oil Light On When At Idle But Goes Off When Driving:

I have a 2017 Kia Sorento 3.3L V6.  Oil light is on at idle but goes off at engine reaches 2k rpms. I took it to a shop because I assumed the engine would have to come out if it was the oil pump.  Looks like the oil pan can be removed without taking the engine out.  I realized this after watching a few videos on it. Not a lot of info out there on this, so this is why I'm posting.  Could have been 3 things; oil pan clogging the pump (trash), oil pump defective, or the oil sensor.  It ended up being the oil sensor.  You have to remove the intake manifold and fuel rails (injectors) to reach the oil sensor.  The garage charged a little over $400 for the repair.  I would have done it myself it I had this info on the car.  The oil sensor is about $20.  Posting this info to help someone else to save money.  I'll post a pic of underneath the engine soon because I couldn't find one on the web.

Here are pics of engine bottom:

Sunday, October 8, 2023

V6 Mustang AC Compressor Bolt Placement 2008

 I couldn't find these pics when I needed them, so I'm posting here for others who may need it!

Sunday, August 20, 2023

2005 Toyota Corolla Shot Freon Out the Bottom of the Compressor

 I have a 2005 Toyota Corolla that shot freon out of the bottom of the compressor as I was adding freon to the system.  I thought I had busted the compressor but this model has a pressure relief valve at the bottom of it.  Once the pressure is too high, freon comes out of the valve to protect the compressor. Image below

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Ford Powering Steering pump leaks fluid out the top 2007 Ford Focus

 I have a 2007 Ford Focus.  I have spent $1000 having 2 mechanics replace the pump and it still leaks out the top.  Every time I would cut the car off, all the fluid would leak out of the top overnight.  The problem I found is that I was using regular power steering fluid instead of the Mercon V Automatic Transmission Fluid that the manual recommends.  I guess it has a lower boiling point than Mercon V.  I just assumed regular power steering fluid is what I needed.  You would think 1 of the 2 mechanics would have said something as many times as I took the car back.  The pump also made a loud whining sound with regular fluid.  With Mercon V, quiet as a baby.   I'm writing this to say you the trouble because I couldn't this exact issue online. The 2nd issue is that the oem cap was lose on the reservoir as well. I had to buy a replacement cap from the local parts store that fits perfect!