Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What a Work Relationship Is

This basically sums up what a work relationship is!


  Friends when you're off the clock and competitors once you're on the clock.  But you're only friends, outside of work, as long as you work at the same place.  Once you change jobs, you're no longer friends at all!  People get new friends at whatever job they're at, and leave the old ones behind.

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- Juggs Ó 2013

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mounting Screws for Emerson 32" TV LF320EM4F

I bought a 32" Emerson tv and had a hard time finding mounting screws for it.  So I wanted to post my findings to help someone else.

Update.. In a mounting kit I bought, the screws for this tv are labeled as:  M4 x 35mm

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- Juggs Ó 2013

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Friday, September 20, 2013

Public Education Teaches Useless Information

  One of the most important things in ones life is being able to read and write!  If you can read and write, you can teach yourself how to do anything!  We learn 13 years of education in public school, we learn tons of information!  We're taught that the more you know, the better off you are!  But what does that mean when you graduate?  What job can you get with a high school diploma?  There are graduates who apply for a bookkeeping job and are told even though they graduated, they don't have any bookkeeping experience.  So common sense would tell you, then why didn't school teach me about bookkeeping?  Why did the school teach me how to defragment a sentence, stars that are light years away, Geometry. Spanish, but not bookkeeping?  Its designed this way!  We're given a false sense of security that public school and college will teach us everything we need to know!  Not true.  It's up to you to learn the things you need to know!  Public school is for kids to learn the basics so their parents can work and pay more taxes.  If public education and college are so great, then why can't so many people find a job?  The elite use public education and Religion to shape the world they want to live in.  But they don't want to follow the morals they set for everyone, they just want you to follow them.  We're taught how important it is to follow morals, but most people do what they want.  Morals are not laws!

The world needs people to do crappy hard labor jobs.  The elite don't want the masses to learn something useful in public school.  That's why you have to go to college for!  And how do you go to college?  Most get student loans and become slaves to the lender!  An employer doesn't care if you know what's the closest star besides the sun, unless you're going to work for NASA.  All the employer cares about is if you know the job, not if you're smart or not!  If its a sales job, he wants someone who can sell.  If its a medical billing job, he wants the person who knows medical billing.  Its as simple as that!  Why do they teach none of these skills in public school?  Why don't even teach people how to get a job, interview for one, etc..  Its designed this way!  They divert you by making you learn things that 90% of it you'll forget because its useless!  The proof is in what job you can actually get when you graduate.  Most get a job that can be learned in 10 minutes.

The smart ones are the people who are out living their life!  Because you'll be studying useless information while some jock, dumb as a rock, is getting the girls!  Just do what it takes to get the job you want and enjoy your one and only life! 

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- Juggs Ó 2013

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Why You Can't Get a Raise at Work!

  What we're taught in public school and what is taught in business school are total opposite!  In public school we are being prepared for how to be a good employee.  We're taught as long as we work hard, follow all the rules, go the extra mile, start at the bottom, work your way up, and do for your employer.  They will do for you!  Nothing farther from the truth!  Its a one-way system where the employer always has the upper hand.  Your employer expects you to dedicate your life to the company.  The employer expects you to stop anything you're doing at a moments notice and take care of work.  The employer wants you to put your job 1st in your life or they'll find the person who will!  So you dedicate your life to your employer but all they owe you is that days pay, that's it!  People who have invested 5, 10, 20, 30 years of their life at a job are not thought twice when its time to have a lay-off!  Your employer owes you nothing and you owe them everything!  But that's not what we're taught in our youth!  You can start at the bottom to work your way up, and you'll see person after person who has no experience starting in jobs above yours.  You don't have to start at the bottom, its a lie!

In business school, future managers are taught to only pay people what they're willing to work for.  Even though your employer has millions of dollars in the bank, he will pay you $1/hr if you're willing to accept it!  That's how business justifies paying people low wages when they could pay more.  To them if you don't like minimum wage, then go home!  That's what they think in they're head but they tell you, "Work harder and you'll eventually get a raise!"  Employers only give you a raise when they have to, when they know you can go somewhere else for more money.  If your employer knows you can't get another job, good luck trying to get a raise!  Don't assume that just because your employer makes a lot of money that it will trickle down to you!  Because it won't!  The employer will only pay you what he has to and takes the extra profits to grow the business.  The law of compensation states:
The amount of money you earn will always be an exact ratio to the need for what you do,
your ability to do it, and the difficulty it is to replace you.  The only way to get raises are if you demand it!  People generally believe to get paid more, they must work more.  Not true.  The way to raise wages is if enough people decide they're not going to work for the given wage.  Its willingness not to work, not willingness to work, that raises wages.  This happened in the 1990's because employers had a hard time getting jobs filled, so they had to raise wages.  But then cheap labor from Mexico has brought wages down.  Employers will promise you anything to get you to start a job!  "You're not gonna make a lot money now, but in 2 years you'll be makings tons of money!"  Statements like this are just empty promises that will probably never happen!  You must take what you want in life, its not going to be given to you out of kindness!

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Jobs that are for Americans, the Jobs that are for illegal immigrants, and why its dumb to pay off student loans

  Life isn't as simple as just getting any job and expecting to live the American Dream!  There are two types of work.  A job and a career.  A job is work you'd rather not do, but do it just to make money.  A career is something you love and plan to do the rest of your life.  Typically people in careers make a lot more money than people in jobs.  People in careers get more respect, are happier, and get better benefits.  You either get all or nothing in this world!  Jobs are for poor people and careers are for the wealthy.

All throughout the history of the United States, and the world, its been common to bring destitute people from other countries over and have them do the hard labor jobs the indigenous people don't want to do.  There's nothing wrong with having a legal system of immigration!  What is wrong is slavery, peonage, and illegal immigration.  I don't blame illegal immigrants for coming to the U.S.  I'd do the same thing if I were in their shoes!  But we should ultimately uphold the rule of law!

Now the United States wants cheap labor as its always had.  But they only want illegals to do certain jobs and native born Americans to do others!  The U.S. wants illegals to mow grass, housekeeping at hotels, work in fast-food, construction, farming, factory work, to name a few.  Now if you're a native born American who didn't go to college, fell through the cracks, and landed one of these jobs.  You'll never be able to afford the "American Dream!"  Because illegal immigrants under-cut the price of labor!  In other words, they'll work cheaper than you ever will!  Why?  Because their culture is different than ours.  They're used to living 20-30 people in a house, share bills, etc..  That's one reason they'll work for less money than you!  These people don't have a career, they just work their butts off!  Now if you have a low paying job, try to find the good things about it!  For example, if you work in fast-food.  Maybe it doesn't pay the bills, but look at it this way.  You're working inside in air conditioning and the job isn't the physically hardest.  If you're a guy, you get to work around cute young girls!  For the same amount of money, its better than cutting grass, being out in the heat, getting much dirtier, not having any cute girls to work with, and being physically harder.  If you're in a low-paying job, make the best of it, enjoy it while you're there, and work toward getting a better job!

This is the current American way for American citizens;  Americans go to school.  Some work a part-time job when in high school, just to get some spending money but that ends when they go to college.  The teen go to college and charges ever bit on student loans.  These college kids live the life!  They don't work, go to school during the day, party every night, and leave college with 75k-100k in student loan debt.  Then they get a professional job making 50k, soon it might be 100k!  Actually, they get a career job!  They're told after college how stupid they were for getting in debt but they make 100k.  They would have never gotten the 100k job/career if they didn't go to college!  If they stayed debt-free and just worked their way up somewhere, they would only be making 35k a year.  The person who stayed debt-free making 35k didn't party and have fun.  He worked the whole time!  He doesn't get respect at his job and is always a day away from losing his job.  The 35k guy will take years to move up at his job, if at all.  He'll watch college graduate after college graduate start out in higher position than him!  The 100k guy with 90k in student loan debt will continue to be able to move up in his career.  The jobs for Americans are teachers, doctors, professional jobs, management, business owners, and anything that requires sitting at a desk.  No heavy lifting or hard physical work!

Having student loan debt sucks!  But its the system the government wants because it keeps people slaved!  In my opinion, its better to have student loan debt and have a 100k a year job then be debt-free and have a 35k a year job!  But make sure you get a degree that will get you a job!  Because half of the degrees at colleges are a waste of time and money!  And they won't get you a job!  So be careful! 

Student loan debt is the only debt, I know of, that is written off if you die.  Where other types of debt go against your estate when you die.  That's why people don't pay off student loan debt!  It would be stupid to!  For example; Say you're married with kids.  You have 130k in savings and a student loan debt of 100k.  You pay off your student loans and you now are left with 30k.  Now you die and your kids/spouse inherit 30k.  Example #2;  Same situation but you don't pay off the student loans.  Then you die.  Now the student loan is forgiven and your kids/spouse get the whole 130k that's in savings.  That's why its dumb to pay off student loan debt!

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How the Teenage Minimum Wage Worker Gets Screwed

     Let's take two people, doing the same identical job, at a fast-food place.  One is 40 years old with two kids, and the other is 19.  They both make minimum wage, or $7.25/hr.  They both live on their own and have the same usual bills as everybody else, lights, water, rent, etc..  Except the 40 year old has a family to provide for.

     The 19 year old is easy!  He makes $7.25/hr and that's it.  The 40 year old makes the same wage but gets $400/month in food stamps, $750/month in free state health-care insurance, a $7000/yr tax refund (we'll say the refund is 5k since the 40 year old paid 2k in federal taxes), WIC if he has a newborn baby, and any other welfare.  So when you average this back out.  The 40-year-old is making $15/hr while the teenager is making $7.25 for doing the same job!  Out of this $7.25 the teenager that lives on his own has to pay for his own food, health insurance, income taxes, etc..  And how is this fair?  The only answer is because the 19-year-old is young and stupid, and can't do any better workwise.

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The True Economy

How the Economy really works:

  We're taught in America that anyone can make it, as long as you work hard enough!  This is true to an extent but life also isn't fair!  There's a little more to it, than blanket statements like this.  The mainstream thinking, on the economy, makes it sound like its all based on merit.  As if whoever has the best credentials, gets the best job.  Like how the military is structured.  That everybody has a rank, and everybody starts at the bottom and works their way up.  Yes, anybody in America who studies hard enough, does whatever it takes, devotes their life to a career can make it!  Is that all worth it?  That's a different story!

  Most everybody I know got their job from their parents.  I'd say at least 80% of the people I know!  So that's not based on merit at all!  That's just the workings of a "Good ol' Boy" system!  The true economy is family business's out to benefit their own families.  If you're part of the family that owns the business, then you'll most-likely have an easy life!  You'll get the good job and the good pay whether you go to college or not.  You won't have to start out at the bottom!  You'll start right out as a manager even though other employees have been there years longer than you have.  You won't be paid your market value, like what others start out at.  You'll have a big salary on day one.  You won't have to worry about somebody stealing your job, having your pay cut, having to fight with other employees, or any of the other things non-family working people have to deal with at work.  And you'll never be fired no matter what you do!

     Now, if you're not part of a family that has a family business, then you'll be paid your market value.  This is the advantage family members have over non-family.  It doesn't mean a non-family member can't get to the top, it just means you're going to work a lot harder at it.  Where the family member will just have it handed to them.  This is one of many advantages that business owners have over employees.  A business owner can give his job to his children, no experience required!  But an employee can't give his job to his kids.  They'll have to apply and start at the bottom.  In most cases you have to know somebody in order to get a job somewhere.  Each family business is all about providing for that family!  They don't care about the employees!  They're lucky to have a job, in their eyes.  The family keeps all the money that comes in and only pays the wages they have to in order to keep you working there.  That's it!  We taught to believe that if we do a good job for our employer, the employer will take care of us by giving us raises.  That simply isn't true.  Most employers only give raises when you threaten to quit, if they want to keep you at all.

     The point is; You 1st have to access what type of family you come from.  If you come from a family that owns a business and has lots of money, then enjoy your life!  You should have no worries!  If your family or friends can't do anything for you.  Then you'll have to overcome that by getting a good education, learning a rare skill, hard work, or starting your own business.  Then your kids can live off the fruits of your labor one day!

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Monday, June 17, 2013

What Every Man Needs to Know BEFORE He Has Kids!!

  Of course kids change things!  That's a no-brainer!  But you have no idea how much they do until you have one!!  Womens reproductive parts change after having a baby.  It changes their hormones, desire, everything.  Some womens vagina's don't get wet like they did before.  This will cause more pain for her during sex, which will cause further loss of desire.

Men put sex at the top of their list of things to do.  Women put work, cleaning the house, cooking, taking care of kids, etc.. All before sex.  Alot of married women go through the act of sex to make their husbands happy but men can tell the difference!  A man can tell the difference between a woman who really wants to be there and one who is throwing a bone!  While it is a nice gesture on the womans part, it might not suffice.

In a women's defense; if she has to work a job, wash clothes, take care of the kids, cook each night, and clean house on the weekends.  I'd be too tired to have sex to!  But I know couples were the wife doesn't have to do any of the above and it still doesn't make a difference in the sex department.  So even taking care of all of the above isn't always the answer either.  Usually the way it goes, if its gonna happen it will.  If not, nothing you can do to put her in the mood.  She'll probably need to flirt with an outside source so she can get worked up enough to have sex with you.

Men should be understanding of their wife, especially after having a baby!  And if women don't want to have as much sex as men, then I guess the best is to learn how to meet in the middle.  Definitely communicate your feelings to your spouse before you do something drastic!  They should have every chance to try and fix any problems!  The sad part for men is that how do you know if your wife is telling the truth?  It's also sad that kids get caught in the middle of these affairs!  Kids are not the cause of these problems but often are the ones who pay the price!

Married men have to realize what women are really attracted to!  Women say they want a nice guy who does everything she wants, etc..  But how many times have you've seen a woman post a pic of her celeb crush on facebook?  What does the celeb crush look like?  Is her crush a man who has been loyal to his wife for 20 years and does the dishes, etc..?  No.  Her celeb crush is a hot body.  That's it!  Women are as much pigs as men are!  Just men are more honest about it!  When women say they want a nice guy, that really means, "I want a Hot Guy who is nice!"  Or a guy with money who is nice.  Women are also attracted to men other women want!  How many times in your youth, as a man, did women want to date you just because somebody else wanted you?  And when one doesn't want you, nobody wants you!  It's a screwed-up system, but it's the way it is!

A man's idea of marriage is, "I give up all other women for you.  In return, you should give me sex anytime I want it!"  When this is broken, that's when problems set in!  This is why life is screwed up!  Because people who do what's "right," getting married, etc..  Are the ones who get screwed!  People who live wrong reap the rewards!

The moral of the story is; If you're married and have kids, your sex life will probably never be what it was before you and your wife had kids.

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- Juggs Ó 2013

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

How to Submit your music to Pandora Free

To submit your music to Pandora, you must have a cd (not mp3) for sale on Amazon with a track listing.  You can sell your cd through Amazon for free at www.createspace.com

Here's the link of what you need to submit your music to Pandora: http://help.pandora.com/customer/portal/articles/24802-information-for-artists-submitting-to-pandora

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Glass Hammer (Band)

In 1979 the Glass Hammer recorded their first album titled, "On Our Own."

From Left to Right:
Larry Leath, Don Lee, Bill Conn, Joe Meador, and Rick Judkins
The album was recorded at Cresthill studios in Gallatin, TN.  Glass Hammer traveled all over the southeast later changing their name to "Gallatin."  The band had offeres to play in Branson, MO for 2-3 different top entertainer's but they didn't want to leave their Nashville home.  The band split in 1985 to pursure other interest.

Check out the first track, "Peaches," from the album on Spotify!   Click, Like, and Share the link below!

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email: asecretlie@gmail.com

The Headliners (Band)

In 1974 The Headliners recorded their first studio album. 
From Left to Right
Rick Judkins, Jack Arr, Larry Perigo, Jay Thomas
The self-titled album was recorded at LSI Studios, Nashville, TN in the summer of 1974.  The album was released later that year.  The group bouced around playing in hotel lounges until landing a permanent gig with the "Showboat" club in Goodlettsville, TN.  It wasn't long before the group became the highest paid local band in Nashville. 

The Headliners mostly played Top 40 hits in their set.  Randy, a later 5th member, got an offer to play for Kenny Rogers and left the group.  In 1979 the leading member , Larry Perigo, moved to Hilton Head, SC and signed a contract with Hyatt Hotels.  With new members, the band has remained there ever since.

Check out the first song, "Present Frame of Mind," from their self-titled album on Spotify!  Click, Like, and Share the link


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Sunday, May 12, 2013

This drummer Sounds like Dave Grohl from Nirvana

Check out the Single on Spotify here:!

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and check out this Video!

The Best Undiscovered Rock Band

Check out their Single on Spotify here:! http://open.spotify.com/album/7A1p0qBw3oov8bKYsA26Aw

Or on Amazon here:

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How the World "Really" Is

A free sample to my book "How the World "Really" Is," is available on Amazon at:


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Coming Soon!  My 1st Documentary!!
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- Juggs Ó 2013

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Is Rush Limbaugh Right?

No doubt Rush is good at what he does!  He has around 20 million listeners a week.  But is he consistent?  I’ve listened to Rush since the Clinton years.  It seems to Rush that everything a Democrat does is wrong and everything a Republican does is ok.  Even if a Republican is involved in a scandal, because Democrats have been in scandals too.  He even supports a moderate Republican candidate over any Democrat because of the lesser of two evils.  He also doesn’t believe in having a 3rd party platform, because to him, that’s a Democrat win.  Even though our founders believe in having multiple parties or no parties at all.  He complains about how much money Obama spends.  Even though Bush started the bailout process and gave billions in welfare to banks.  But it was ok when a Republican does it!

Just the same old party politics!  If a Republican defends another Republican at all cost, even when they’ve done wrong, they’re no better than the people they’re fighting against!  At the end of the day, wrong is wrong and honesty is honesty!  We have to move past this loyalty to a certain party!  We need to be for what is right!  Share on your facebook and Twitter, join my blog, and check out a free sample to my book on the link below!!    - Juggs Ó 2012

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Elections are Somewhat an Illusion

  The United States is the greatest country on Earth! Our founding fathers had the public's best interest in mind instead of their own! Which says a lot for those group of men! But lets take an honest look at how our election process works. We are to believe that every citizen, no matter how rich or poor they are, all count as one vote.

We have a 2 party system, the Republicans and the Democrats, but what we really have is a 2-tier system. The ultra rich and everybody else. The wealthy elite hand pick two candidates that they believe they can do business with. This is mostly done though campaign contributions. For example; even though myself and a business owner both count as one vote, if I donate $5 and the business owner donates $10k, whose voice is going to be heard? The one with the most money! I'm not totally knocking it, I'm just acknowledging it. So the real decisions, the important ones, are made before you ever get to the voting booth. Your choices usually come down to whether you want Coke or Pepsi. Most times when you get a Republican, you get a waterdowned vesion of Conservatism. And when you elect a Democrat, you get a waterdowned version of Liberalism. I'm not advocating for people not to vote! Again, just how I see it! A corporation can go in and say, pass this legislation or you won't get $100k for your next campaign. It's as simple as that! The power ultimatley, and probably always will, is in the collective (numbers)! 50% of the population can get anything done at anytime just because of their size in numbers. That's why the elite power structure is always trying to keep the average divided. Divide and Conquer!

We also have an illusion of freedom! We do have freedom in this country but the government controls a lot more than what any of us would probably think! Like our media! We have the freedom of speech but a majority of our media outlets are corporations who receive bailout money. So you're not getting the whole truth when you watch the news or tv in general. But people believe tv is real life, when in fact its the most made-up show around! I have found that you're not going to find the REAL truth in anything that is the mainstream! And am/fm talk radio, finacianl radio, etc, is also the mainstream media! The REAL truth is kept in private! Its passed on privately in family only, from generation to generation. So the ones who know the REAL truth can take advantage of the ones who don't know it! Just like a job. If you're a plumber, you don't train the new person to know everything! If you did, you'd lose your own value. The same here! Talk radio is a step in the right direction since you get to hear real people and their problems calling in. The government also controls churches though their tax exempt status. A church can be threaten that if they say the wrong things, their tax exempt status could be pulled away. Even though it's somewhat a rigged system, get informed, and vote for who you think is best!
- Juggs Ó 2012

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